Enrollment Information
Enrollment in OCS FAQ's
Enrollment in OCS
Frequently Asked Questions (10 Questions)
1. What needs to be provided by the parent/court-ordered guardian for enrollment in Onslow County Schools?
- Student's birth certificate (certified copy)
- Student's immunization record (within 30 days of enrollment)
- Proof of Residence:
- Current water, gas or electric bill - the proof of residence must be in the name of the parent or court-ordered guardian, or in the name of the friend or relative with whom you are residing.
- If residing with a friend or relative, a notarized statement signed by the friend or relative with whom you and your children are residing must be provided. This friend or relative must provide appropriate proof of residency as identified above.
- Photo identification of the parent or court-ordered guardian who is enrolling the student.
- Copies of any custody papers (if applicable).
- Name, address and phone numbers of previous school.
- Copy of the latest report card/transcript from the previous school.
What other documentation would be useful to provide to the school?
- Student social security number (if available)
- Previous school information, including school handbook and/or school web page address
- Previous school records, including student's current schedule (middle and high school students) and any standardized test scores.
- Information about any special programs: IEP (Individual Education Plan), 504 Plan (Individual Accommodation Plan), AIG (Academically-Intellectually Gifted), ESL/LEP (English as a Second Language/Limited English Proficiency).
2. At what age can my child start school?
Students must be 5 on or before August 31.
If the child reaches the age of five years on or before August 31st of the year she/he is presented for enrollment, the child is eligible to enroll. If her/his fifth birth date falls on or after September 1st, the child is not eligible to enroll. For more information about School Entry Age, please visit http://www.ncpublicschools.org/stateboard/legal/schoolentry. You may contact the Onslow County School System central office for more information concerning questions about child placement or enrollment instructions/requirements.
3. What is the difference between domicile and residence?
The domicile of a student under 18 years of age is presumed to be the domicile of his or her parents or court-ordered guardian as defined by the General Statutes of North Carolina. A Student who is domiciled within the geographic area served by the school system, who is under age 21, who has not completed the prescribed courses for high school graduation, and who otherwise qualifies for admission is entitled to be admitted without payment of tuition. Domicile requires the intent to abandon one's prior home and remain in the new location as a permanent home for an indefinite period. Although a person may have more than one residence, by law he/she has only one domicile. One can establish a new domicile only by abandoning the current domicile with no intent to return to it.
In contrast, a residence need not be one's exclusive home and does not require an intention that the residence be the permanent home.
4. Transcript Request
Go to Student Services and transcript request and complete the online process.
5. How do I enroll my child (ren) in an Onslow County School?
See attached student enrollment requirements:
6. How do I find out what school my child(ren) should attend?
Contact 910-455-2211 ext. 20419 or 910-455-5038
School Assignment - Board of Education Policy 4150
The superintendent or designee will recommend to the board school assignment areas for the schools in the system. The assignment areas will be developed in accordance with the state requirements and court rulings; the need to serve all school-age children who live in the school system; and the effective use of each school facility. Assignments must be made in a non-discriminatory manner. The superintendent or designee will review periodically the attendance areas and submit recommendations for revisions to the board when necessary. The superintendent or designee will assign students to particular schools based upon the established assignment areas.
7. What should I do if I move into another school district within Onslow County and I want my child to remain in their current school?
Go to Student Services and Requests for Reassignment
Parents or guardians may apply for assignment to a school outside of their regular attendance area. The superintendent or designee will make a determination based upon the best interest of the child, the orderly and efficient administration of the public schools, the proper administration of the school to which assignment is requested and the instruction, health and safety of the pupils there enrolled. If the parent is dissatisfied with the superintendent or designee's response, the parent may request an appeal as provided in policy 4151, Appeal of School Assignment Decisions. An out-of-district transfer is a privilege that can be withdrawn at any time. The principal may rescind the out-of-district approval of any student who does not maintain satisfactory grades, conduct and school attendance.
The following conditions apply in regard to any reassignments or transfers:
- The parent is responsible for transportation.
- The transfer or reassignment is valid for no more than one school year.
- Student must demonstrate that he or she was in good standing in the previous school in terms of academics, discipline, and other measures of standing and progress.
- Any transfer request that is approved based upon false or misleading information will be declared void and the transfer will be rescinded.
8. What should I do if I move out of Onslow County, including moving aboard base, but I want my child to continue in his/her current school?
Go to Student Services and requests for reassignments.
9. What should I do if I live in Onslow County and I want my child to attend a school in another county?
Go to Student Services and requests for reassignments.
10. How do I withdraw my child(ren) from school?
Contact the school administrator at your child's school for withdrawal papers.
Online Enrollment at DMS
Please click the link to register:
IMPORTANT-Please fill out the application and upload ALL the necessary documentation:
- Proof of Residence in our district (current electric or water bill)- the proof of residence must be in the name of the parent or legal guardian or in the name of the friend or relative with whom you are residing. If residing with a friend or relative, you must have a Notarized Residential Affidavit along with a bill with the name and address.
- Birth Certificate.
- Immunization Record.
- Photo Identification of the parent or legal guardian.
- Custody Paper-legal court document (if applicable)- the legal guardian/custodian is the person or agency that has been awarded legal custody of the student (s) by a court. A notarized statement or power of attorney WILL NOT be accepted to transfer custody. Legal guardians/custodians will need to provide court ordered custody papers at the time of enrollment.
- Notarized Discipline Affidavit-REQUIRED prior to starting school.
- Health Assessment- first time student to NC Public School.
ALL DOCUMENTATION needs to be filled out and uploaded before we can enroll a student.